Grilled Asparagus w/ Nasturtium & Olio


Dress up simple olio-roasted springtime asparagus with bright and aromatic edible florals.


Asparagus, 1 pound, the fatter the better, IMO

Meyer lemon

3-5 Nasturtium

Fruity olio

Salt and freshly cracked pepper to taste


  1. Heat up the broiler or your grill to medium high.

  2. Trim tough bottoms off asparagus and toss in Fruity Olio, spread out on a sheet pan with comfortable space so as not to overcrowd.

  3. Once the broiler or grill is hot, cook asparagus for 2-4 minutes, depending on how al dente you like them.

  4. Remove from the heat and transfer to serving splatter. Squeeze juice from a full Meyer lemon over asparagus, add a good drizzle of Fruity olio, and salt and pepper to taste. Just before serving, top your asparagus with with a few Nasturtium bulbs and artfully torn petals.

    *Nasturtium are not just eye candy — they have a bright, peppery flavor that beautifully complements spring vegetable, like asparagus.